Sunday, December 25, 2005

Peace on Earth - now it's possible with a new plan

"Peace on Earth, good will toward men."
- The Bible

We all know what peace is. It's what we all wish for but can't achieve because of the "others." What most of us don't realize is that the others wish for peace too.

We each wish for peace, but mostly for ourselves. Peace for the others takes a distant second place.

But what about "good will," what does that mean?

Will is more than wishes or even intentions. Will is what we need to get things done. Will gives us the power to accomplish. Will gives us what we need to put the rest of our plans into action.

If our plan is peace for all humankind? Will can make it happen.

'Turning It Around' has a non-political, non-religious plan that will bring peace to every person in every community in the world. It will do that by teaching each person what they need to survive and thrive in their community, to succeed in life not just in a job, and how to get rid of their fears of others. It will teach each how to achieve personal peace.
"Good will toward men" should make that happen.

It's no longer just a wish. It's a plan with potential to change the world. We can make it happen. This potential for change has come to us in our time, a potential that did not exist before our time.

Direct your friends to our web site and encourage them to buy and read 'Turning It Around.' It comes in paper book, ebook and ebook on CD forms.

For thousands of years we have seen people with the will toward bad change wage wars, kill people and take power. Good people have power too.

The power is now. It's within our grasp.

Seize the power and tell the world.

Bill Allin
'Turning It Around: Causes and Cures for Today's Epidemic Social Problems,' striving to empower the people of the world toward peace and good, healthy lives.
Learn more at

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