Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Considering consequences is a necessary part of a plan of action

Patience is also a form of action.
- Auguste Rodin, sculptor (1840-1917)

Patience is a component of a plan of action, a strategy. This distinguishes it from procrastination, denial and avoidance, which are symptoms of disorganization or lack of a plan.

We may be patient when we know that the result we want to happen will come about because all necessary components are in place and factors taken into consideration.

Patience indicates that something is underway and time must be given for certain things to happen, such as a strategy in a game of chess. It also indicates that a situation is being monitored as it develops. Lack of monitoring means a plan will collapse and likely go against what we want to happen.

Patience also gives us time to think, to consider the possibilities and the consequences of choices we make before we commit to them.

Patience is a learned quality. Its advantages may be taught as part of the teaching of problem solving techniques. When teaching problem solving, considering consequences is a necessary factor. Patience is the time factor that gives consideration of consequences room to take place.

When consequences of an action are not carefully considered we have people who lock themselves into addictions, prisons, continuing drug regimes or psyuchological impairment.

Prevention is easy, cheap and effective. Cures are virtually impossible when problems reach the community level.

Bill Allin
'Turning It ARound: Causes and Cures for Today's Epidemic Social Problems,' striving to encourage all education systems to teach problem solving techniques to every child, not just to present them with problems.
Learn more at http://billallin.com/cgi/index.pl

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