Saturday, May 14, 2016

Why The Food You Eat Is Dead

Why The Food You Eat Is Dead

I certainly feel that the time is not far distant when a knowledge of the principles of diet will be an essential part of one's education. Then mankind will eat to live, be able to do better mental and physical work and disease will be less frequent.
- Fannie Farmer, American culinary expert (1857-1915)

Sadly, Fannie Farmer was mistaken. We did not learn because the knowledge we need was not incorporated into our education system. In our ignorance, while we were busy with other things, the food, drug and chemical industries collaborated to make us a sick society, one that would forever be dependant on doctors and drugs. Or, in the case of the poor, dependant on dying as a form of relief.

Could this be true? Is it even possible? Does it sound like a conspiracy theory? Yes to all. The evidence is all around us. Cancer, muscular dystrophy, autoimmune diseases, viral infections are commonplace today whereas they were rare just a couple of generations ago.

There must be some explanation. We live in a world--in the west known as a rich world--filled with people with poor health, with compromised health problems that impact every day of their lives. We have all the food we want, we have the ability to exercise and get advice about how to live healthy lives, but we don't and can't.

We rush around making money but never take the time to develop our greatest source of wealth, our health. Inevitably, our accumulated wealth goes to pay for the consequences of our poor health practices.

These problems were not common in the past. Our ancestors had many problems but illnesses from today's most common diseases were not prominent among them. There must be something we don't know. We need to change or we will be unhealthy with illness and physical incapacities ourselves. It will happen. It is happening around us. If not to ourselves than to others we know.

There are a few who know, a multitude who don't know and a massive number who are in denial. "It couldn't be that bad." "They wouldn't do that to us." Yes, alas, they would. All for the sake of profit.

Denial that a problem exists is the worst problem we have. Until we admit that we have a problem with the food we eat, the beverages we drink, the water we drink and use every day and the air we breathe every moment, we will have no way to address our own health.

We can begin by learning about the studies that have been done that show exactly how the factors just listed impact our lives in negative ways. Thanks to the internet this task is easy. Not fast, but easy if you want to take the time to learn. It is, after all, your life we are talking about. How long you will live. How healthy or sick and impaired you will be in the last decades of your life.

You can begin learning about how what is happening around you and what you eat (not the quantity or the foods themselves but the quality of them) has such a negative effect on your life. You can begin with this video presentation. Dr. Tent's presentation (2 hr.)

Dr. R.E. Tent is a doctor of naturopathy and chiropractic. He has nothing to sell in his videos. His purpose is to inform. To inform those who wish to learn. There will always be those who deny that the food they eat could be as lacking in nutrients (that used to be natural and normal but are no longer) and often harmful. Dr. Tent has no interest in arguing with these people. He has patients to heal. He shows you how in the video.

If you prefer to learn through videos, I recommend that you go to and search the word "health".

If you are up to learning by reading, put "nutrition health" into your favourite search engine.

But first watch Dr. Tent's video to learn why you need to learn so much about how your health is being damaged and how you can fix it.

Bill Allin is the author of Turning It Around: Causes and Cures for Today's Epidemic Social Problems, a book about cheap and easy ways to improve our lives by making changes in our education systems. And, yes, poor health is a severe social problem.
Learn more at

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